Who is our social Impact Partner ?

To actualize the positive social impact we have partnered with a social organization based in Kathmandu called UCEP(Underprivileged Children's Educational Program).

UCEP is working on a range of social programs dedicated to the welfare of children in Nepal. They have one particular program which is the welfare of street children in Kathmandu –and this is an area that we at Ethnik want to contribute to.

Why UCEP ?

Why we chose this cause through UCEP is because we want to be able to continuously monitor and assess the positive changes that are made possible by Ethnik – by you! We don’t just want this to be a one-time donation or a one-time gift contribution; we aim is to be able to support the growth and development of these children at UCEP on a regular basis so that it’s possible to monitor areas of growth and areas where further support could be required. We will be sharing more of this through our impact report over time.

Need Assessment:

Based on our meeting with UCEP we found out that despite UCEP’s contribution to the welfare of these children there are gaps which they haven’t been able to fulfill. This is where we want to step in and contribute as much as we can.


Survival Needs:

  • Regular supply of balanced diet and a clean drinking water

  • Proper Clothing: Difficulty in managing proper clothing with UCEP’s current budget


  • Not sufficient stationeries, books, and other educational materials.

  • No Uniform, shoes, and bags for all children


  • The need for a regular visiting doctor/Nurse

  • No Medical insurance of Children

  • Lack of proper first aid kits

Health and Hygiene:

  • Proper access to clean drinking water(30% of the current budget is spent on drinking water, therefore, hard to manage other expenses)

Psychological Counselling:

  • Need for a regular visiting counsellor for the mental wellbeing of all the children.

Our major contribution is bridging these gaps as much as possible